Research Team
The research was led by Professor Kat Smith but with support of a large team including:
Dr Oliver Escobar, who led on the citizens’ jury design and was the facilitator for all three juries.
Dr Rosie Anderson, who led on organising the citizens’ juries and designing the videos we used in the juries.
Dr Gillian Fergie, who made ethnographic observations at all three juries and who contributed to writing up the results.
Dr Rebecca (Becky) Hewer, who provided support in the three juries and who helped code and analyse the qualitative data.
Dr Anna Mcintyre, who helped analyse the qualitative and quantitative data and who co-authored a key output (and who now works for Public Health Scotland).
Dr Sarah Hill, who talked to jury members about health inequalities and who helped analyse the data.
Dr Sarah Weakley, who helped analyse the quantitative survey data (from jury members and the nationally representative survey).
Dr Alex Wright, who supported the smooth running of all three juries.
Originally, with the exception of Gillian, we were all working at the University of Edinburgh but we now work across multiple institutions.
The project also benefitted from the advice of three Advisory Group members: Professor Mike Kelly (Cambridge University), Professor Jennie Popay (Lancaster University) and Dr David Walsh (Glasgow Centre for Population Health).
For more information about the project, please contact Professor Kat Smith.